"Happiness isn't being cheerful all the time," says John Sharp, a psychiatrist and Harvard Medical School. "It's being interested in things—finding out more about something, learning how to appreciate something better, incorporating something new that fits with what you already have."
So! Inspired, I decided to have more everyday adventures this fall. Then I wondered if I should make it a new series on the blog, since it's more fun to do things as a group. Would you want to join me?
How it would work: Each week, I'll issue a single challenge. (Think: learn to tell a great joke, write a handwritten letter, go see a movie by yourself.) The following week, we'll regroup and share our experiences! What do you think?!
The challenge for this week, should you choose to accept it, could be to not watch TV for a week. (Or, at least, cut way back.) And see what surprising things unfold in your life...
Thoughts? Are you in? Does this sound fun to you? Fingers crossed, I really hope so!!!
P.S. The no-complaining challenge...
(Photo by Christine Carreira. Graphic design by Rachel for Cup of Jo)
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