Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two Ways {Valentine's Day}

9/10 3698
First up, we have one of my favorite palettes for V-Day: pink and gold! I know you are all completely shocked! Pink and gold will always be one of my favorite combinations - they just balance each other so nicely. Plus, might I add, I really, really love the arrow motif! So fun and whimsical.

{Cake, Wrapped Truffles, Streamers, Arrow Escort Cards, Valentines, Confetti Paper}

Next we have the more traditional V-Day palette of red, pink, and white. I also think red and pink suit each other very nicely. This will always bring me back to classic V-Day nostalgia and that classroom party or two. 
{Felt Fortune Cookies, Hot Chocolates, Gift Tags, Cake, Banner}
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