Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Have a wonderful weekend.

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What are your plans for the weekend? We had the best time in Chicago and are now visiting my dad in Michigan. As I type, Toby is running around naked in the grass! I really hope you enjoyed the work/life balance series this week, and a huge thank you to the seven brave and wonderful women who put themselves out there. This series was meant to show that even working mothers with glamorous careers who seem to "have it all" still face the same things (rushing to make dinner, missing their kids during the day, wanting more time with their spouses) as we all do. It's so great to be honest and normalize the ups and downs that all parents go through. Have a great weekend, and in the meantime, here are some fun links to make you smile...

Oh, Paris.

Fancy doghouses.

The heart sweater is back!

Wes Anderson is awesome.

17 genius tips to make your life easier.

Nautical tattoos.

A great post about leaving work at 5:30pm.

10 rules of good writing (“Leave out the parts readers tend to skip.”)

Coffee trick.

The Obama wedding registry. (Now we've really seen it all!)

Ben Stiller's face.

As always, much more on Pinterest.

(Photo of the Louvre Museum in Paris, taken in the reflection of the pyramid outside)
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