Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Have a great weekend.

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What are your plans for the weekend? We're going mini-golfing with Toby and getting San-Francisco-style burritos the size of our heads. Hope you have a good one, and stay cool! Meanwhile, here are a few fun links from around the web...

A (parody) song to kick off your weekend.

Sky monsters.

What a brilliant idea for exploring your neighborhood.

Living in You've Got Mail.

Eeps, would you dare?

Always take a red dress on vacation.

An NPR reporter interviews his two little girls about the"worst haircut ever."

Photoshopping is fun until someone loses a leg.

It's officially the future.

Easy summer meal.

A new reality show about extended breastfeeding?

Cheeky London cab drivers.

Colors of humans.

This funny blogger tries out Pinterest projects...and fails:)

Emily's new book!

Nice ride, kid.

Find more on Pinterest, if you'd like. Have a good one!
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