Thursday, February 7, 2013

Featured {100 Layer Cake}

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We are so excited to have our mod-inspired shoot featured on on our very favorite wedding blogs, 100 Layer Cake, today! We worked hard pulling all the bits and pieces together for this shoot, and had a blast along the way. We're pretty pleased with the end result thanks to our team (see end of post). Go check out the post!

Styling {Bird Dog Wedding}Photography {Paige Newton}Videography {Ava Baird}Flowers {The Byrd Collective}Desserts {Bake Sale Austin}Paper Goods {The Creative Parasol}Fashion Styling {Trophy Boutique}Headpieces {Lo Boheme}Makeup {Nisa Nicole}Hair {Erica Rae}Rentals {American Party Rental}Models {Liz and Colin}
Special thanks to:- Frock On, Prototype, and Lucy in Disguise with Diamonds for our super mod dresses- Lauren, Linda and Mark, and Kate for providing us with some lovely vintage pieces
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