Rosie was one of the exhibitors at riverstation's, Eco Wedding Fair back in November. Her confetti is beautiful and because it's natural with no dyes it doesn't stain and this will make your venue very happy!!
For the love of confetti..........I guess that’s how we started.

Confetti has always had a place at weddings and other celebratory occasions, if the direct question ‘Confetti?’ is posed, most weddings parties would like it to feature in some way on their day.Where once upon a time, it was left to the guests to bring along confetti to throw at the bride and groom to ‘bless them with good luck and fortune’ now, quite often, unless it is part of the planning process, it can now be a pretty hit and miss affair as to whether confetti will make an appearance on your special day, and more importantly, something you and your venue find acceptable.

Confetti has been thrown for centuries, long before it was given the name that we know it by today. Some of the first recorded uses relate to the ‘showering’ of Henry VII with wheat by the locals wishing him ‘good luck’ and welcoming his bride.Wheat continued to be in fashion until the early 1870’s when rice became the ‘shower’ of the day, continuing until the turn of the century, when ‘confetti’ the showering of bonbons at Italian carnivals was adopted by weddings in Britain.Wedding confetti has taken many guises over the last few years, but one thing had become apparent, that not all forms of confetti are acceptable, being labelled as littering, environmentally harmful and difficult to clear.

Here at Bespoke Confetti, we believe we have grown beautiful biodegradable wedding confetti. Our real petal confetti is by no means unique, but we have tried to produce something that has arrived by a truly environmental journey from the field to you and in no way compromises on quality.The flowers are grown as a field crop without the use of pesticides or other chemicals. The petals are handpicked, graded and air dried. They retain their natural colours so are a true real petal confetti in its most natural confetti state. It throws beautifully, will showcase your photographs for years to come, but blow away and biodegrade, leaving no footprint for those that follow.

There are many real petal confetti options to choose from, many are freeze dried and imported, and dyed to give optimum colour choices. Be aware that some of the dyed petals are not colourfast and may cause staining that can be difficult to remove.We cannot compete with the colour range of some of the freeze dried petals on offer, but suggest that if you may like to colour co-ordinate our petal with confetti cones to match your colour choice.

We love our confetti, we love knowing its journey from start to finish, and we are really proud to be able to offer something that we think will make a welcome guest appearance on your very special day, whether it’s used conventional throwing confetti, decoration or other use.
Finally, consider adding a side note on your invitation, requesting ‘real petal confetti’ or that ‘confetti provided’ or in the worst case scenario ‘no confetti allowed’ avoiding any expensive clean up charges.

Please feel free to contact me regarding your confetti
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